Q & A about The Beacon

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Summer Time Changes

Hello Beacon supporters, friends and family,

We are closed for the summer holidays but have a lot of neat things in store for September. 

Gerald and Hayden VanVark fish new
wires through the old wall
Renovations   During July and August we are redecorating The Beacon! Yes, as exciting and kid-friendly as the old colors were, the volunteers unanimously decided a new paint job was in order.  Plus we will get a new kitchen counter area with new cupboards above and below.  This will go on the side wall where the storage cupboards used to be.  The new millwork is all donated by Harold Westerman, local OPP officer and craftsman. Gerald VanVark of VanVark Electric was in with his son Hayden today, installing wiring, outlets and breakers for our appliances, free of charge. No more circuit breaker blues!  All the walls will be painted and the paint was donated by The Paint Store of Trenton.  Because it was the only thing the volunteers couldn't agree on, we asked Sonja Trafford, a professional decorator, to give us free advice on colours and design for our Beacon.  

We hope you (and we!) will like the new look.  Many thanks to all who are helping.    

It will look good in a few weeks... promise!
New Family Member  An almost-new nine foot slate-top pool table has been donated by Karen and Greg Boundy of Brighton. It was given in memory of Karen’s late father, Keith Arthurs of Cedar St.  This excellent table will be a challenge for all.   Our older 'big boy' table is looking for a new home. 

In Case You Missed It   Brighton Youth For Christ / Youth Unlimited became part of Quinte Youth For Christ as of July 1st.  Supporters can send donations care of Quinte Youth For Christ, P.O. Box 233, Belleville, ON K8N-5A2.  As always, add a note to the cheque saying that it is meant for Brighton Ministry.  The bookkeeper will maintain our balance sheet and issue income tax receipts at year’s end.

In September  God willing, our efforts to serve the youth of Brighton will continue.  The Beacon will be open four days a week from 11:00 to 1:00 for lunch. The Tuesday night and Thursday night drop in should continue as well. Many youth have benefitted this year from positive interactions with our volunteers.  I will continue to volunteer at the local schools as well. 

                  Still Needed!   Beacon volunteers! Are you a good listener? Do you have a heart for teens? 
Food providers!  Can you prepare ham & cheese sandwiches from two loaves of bread once a month? Can you make a stew or pasta dish?  Lunch Coordinator  We need someone to keep a schedule and remind people when their turn is coming to bring a lunch for The Beacon.  


Rene Schmidt,
Director, Brighton Youth For Christ / Youth Unlimited