One of the things that's important about running a local youth centre that depends 100% on donations from others is that it should be well run and manage its finances responsibly.
In that regard, God continues to be good to us! Beacon
supporters will be pleased about our changes coming this

A NEW LOOK: Our second obvious summertime change will be some
‘free’ renovations to The Beacon. Over its lifetime The Beacon has had many improvements
to make it more accessible, safe and kid-friendly. But with our greatly increased
numbers this year*, more changes are needed. Thanks to David Green we
secured a generous Brian Todd Memorial Grant,
so we can make improvements without dipping into our regular budget. Volunteer and builder Don Harnden has created
plans and will supervise the following work projects:

2) The Beacon’s small food preparation
area will be increased with a moveable food prep table.
3) The back emergency
exit door will be replaced.
4) The office will be relocated and made smaller,
allowing more room for youth and the games they use.
5) The poorly-flushing
toilets in both bathrooms, long a source of annoyance, have already been
6) The 'Big Boy' table will be rebuilt and recovered.
FREE LABOUR: Many of the improvements will be undertaken by work teams from SERVE. (SERVE is hosted by Fellowship CRC in Brighton. For a week in July teenaged Christians from CRC churches in Ontario and Michigan will do supervised work projects in Brighton such as gardening, painting, planting, cleaning or building. This work is done free for seniors, the disabled or for charities like ours.) Don will supervise much of the renovation work at the Beacon. During July and August Mike and our volunteers will complete much of the skilled work involved, with local tradesmen called to inspect and approve the changes according to building codes.
INCREASE IN VISITS: *This school year we had 5273 visits from
youth during lunch and evening programs - 40% more than for the 2015-2016
school year. Every day we were open an average of 23 to 38 students were
greeted warmly and exposed to the love of Christ through food and prayer and uplifting
conversations with volunteers.
YOUTH NOTES: The Beacon Youth Centre Respect Award was
awarded to Matthew Kinzinger by René Schmidt at ENSS graduation. Beacon
regular Rachel Petty won the Citizenship and Achievement awards at Brighton
Public School graduation. And Cole Rittwage one of our ENSS
regulars, contributed $60 to The Beacon during our last week. Said Cole; “I’ve been enjoying this place and eating for free, so I felt I should
give something back.” Duncan
Bellamy also gives back by playing sledge hockey with able-bodied and
other-abled teammates in Bewdley. Duncan
frequently assists with fostered adults and youth in our community.
SCHOOL NOTES New Brighton Public School Principal
Todd Bishop and V.P. Keith Piette express
gratitude for The Beacon. “So many of our
students are welcomed at The Beacon,” Bishop said. Many of these regular students are from
broken homes and needy families. Some of these public school students are bold
about the lunchtime prayers and offer to pray out loud for the food and each
other’s needs. ENSS Principal and V.P.s
also visit The Beacon when they make lunchtime rounds of the community. They
and other teachers we have dealt with say they appreciate the good
communication between The Beacon and the high school.
PRAYER NEEDS Please pray for students in the following needy
situations: K, D, W, and A with family struggles. These students (and others) have difficult home lives that sometimes
affects their relationships with others at ENSS and The Beacon. Also pray for healing for volunteers Jim Snyder, Lorraine Schernitzki, Bets Lobban, and
Ann Dalrymple who all have serious ongoing health issues that have affected
their ability to volunteer for us.
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